JINBAICHENG Hlau Khoom Co., Ltd

Welded Square Tube

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Welded square raj yog hollow square seem steel square raj, los yog hollow txias-tsim steel.Nws yog tsim los ntawm txias dabtsi yog khoov thiab high-frequency vuam tom qab kub dov los yog txias dov sawb los yog coil raws li cov dawb paug Shaped steel nrog square cross-sectional duab thiab loj.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Khoom Taw Qhia

ua nyob rau hauv Suav teb
Daim ntawv thov: boiler tube,
Seb lub raj xa dej txuas nrog hlau: tsis yog-alloy
Sectional puab: square
Tube tshwj xeeb: API
Tube thickness: 1.5-60
Kev kho deg: xim dub
Kev kam rau siab: ± 1%
Cov kev pabcuam ua haujlwm: dabtsi yog khoov, vuam, xuas nrig ntaus, txiav

Khoom siv: Q195/Q215/Q235/Q345/10#/20#
Nto: dub tshuaj tsuag xim
Puab: square tube
Packing: txheem packing
Keywords: seamless steel yeeb nkab
Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 7-15 hnub
Sab hauv zoo steel yeeb nkab: dub hollow seem
Yam tsawg kawg nkaus kom muaj nuj nqis: 1 ton
Lub hom phiaj: Lub tsev tsim
Technology: Kub Rolling
Kev lees paub: API

Khoom Qhia

Square tub
cev 2
cev 1

Kev faib tawm

1. Welded square raj yog hollow square seem steel square raj, los yog hollow txias-tsim steel.Nws yog tsim los ntawm txias dabtsi yog khoov thiab high-frequency vuam tom qab kub dov los yog txias dov sawb los yog coil raws li cov dawb paug Shaped steel nrog square cross-sectional duab thiab loj.

Ntxiv nrog rau qhov thickening ntawm phab ntsa thickness ntawm cov tuab-walled square tube, lub ces kaum loj thiab ntug flatness ncav cuag los yog tshaj cov theem ntawm cov kuj welded txias-tsim square raj.Qhov loj ntawm R lub kaum sab xis yog feem ntau ntawm 2 zaug thiab 3 zaug ntawm phab ntsa tuab..Raws li cov kev xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv khoom, peb tuaj yeem tsim R-lub kaum sab xis ntawm qhov loj ntawm cov neeg siv khoom;

2. Square tube Seamless square tube yog ib txoj hlua steel ntev nrog ib qho hollow seem thiab tsis muaj pob qij txha ntawm qhov periphery.Nws yog ib lub raj square tsim los ntawm extruding ib seamless raj los ntawm 4 sab ntawm pwm.Lub raj square muaj qhov hollow seem thiab siv ntau ntau.Nws yog siv hauv kev thauj mus los ua kua, kev txhawb nqa hydraulic, cov qauv siv tshuab, nruab nrab thiab tsis tshua muaj siab, siab siab boiler raj, tshav kub hloov raj, roj, roj av thiab lwm yam lag luam.Nws muaj zog dua welded thiab yuav tsis tawg.

Cov txheej txheem tseem ceeb

1. Cov txheej txheem ntws ntawm cov iav tsom iav raj:
Tube blank-inspection-peeling-inspection-heating-perforation-pickling-grinding-lubrication and air drying-welding head-txias drawing-solution treatment-pickling-pickling Passivation-inspection-txias dov-degreasing-cutting-air drying-internal polishing -sab nrauv polishing-kev tshuaj xyuas-kos npe-cov khoom tiav ntim.

2. Kev lag luam yeeb nkab txheej txheem
Tube blank-inspection-peeling-inspection-heating-perforation-pickling-grinding-lubrication and air drying-welding head-txias drawing-solution treatment-pickling-pickling Passivation-inspection.

3. txheej txheem ntws ntawm welded yeeb nkab
Uncoiling-leveling-kawg shearing thiab welding-looper-forming-welding-inner thiab txheej hlaws tshem tawm-pre-correction-induction tshav kub kho-sizing thiab straightening-eddy tam sim no kuaj-txiav —— Hydraulic siab tshuaj ntsuam —— Pickling — Kev tshuaj xyuas zaum kawg —— Ntim.

4. Seamless square raj txheej txheem
Round steel-tube billet-kev tshuaj xyuas-cua sov-piercing-sizing-kub dov-pav lub taub hau-kev tshuaj ntsuam-pickling-spherical annealing-txias kos duab-tsim-Qikou- -test

Cov khoom naj npawb

Q345A: C≤0.20,Mn ≤1.70,Si≤0.50,P≤0.035,S≤0.035;
Q345B: C≤0.20,Mn ≤1.70,Si≤0.50,P≤0.035,S≤0.035;
Q345C: C≤0.20,Mn ≤1.70,Si≤0.50,P≤0.030,S≤0.030,Al≥0.015;
Q345D: C≤0.18,Mn ≤1.70,Si≤0.50,P≤0.030,S≤0.025,Al≥0.015;
Q345E: C≤0.18,Mn ≤1.70,Si≤0.50,P≤0.025,S≤0.020,Al≥0.015;
Q345A, B, C, D, E Nb≤0.07,V≤0.15,Ti≤0.20,Cr≤0.30,N≤0.012,Mo≤0.10.20#, Q235B

technical parameter

Thick-walled square yeeb nkab specification rooj (mm) Thick-walled rectangular yeeb nkab specification rooj (mm)
16-34 × 0.4 x 2.0 380 ~ 500 × 380 ~ 500 × 8.0 ~ 30.0 hli 10 ~ 20 × 20 ~ 40 × 0.6 ~ 12.0 hli 250 ~ 300 × 100 ~ 250 × 6 ~ 30.0
16-34 × 0.4 x 2.0 Lwm redraw specification yog raws li nram no 20 × 50 × 1.0 × 2.0 400 × 250 × 8 × 30.0
38 × 38 × 1.0 × 4.0 550 × 550 × 10.0 ~ 40.0 22 ~ 40 × 35 ~ 100 × 0.9 ~ 5.0 400 ~ × 300 × 8 × 30.0
40 ~ 95 × 40 ~ 95 × 1.0 ~ 8.0 600 ~ 1000 × 600 ~ 1000 × 10.0 ~ 50.0 hli 25 × 40 × 0.9 × 3.75 hli 450 ~ 500 × 200 ~ 450 × 8 ~ 30.0
100 × 100 × 2.0 × 8.0 50 × 60 × 2.0 × 5.0 Lwm redraw specification yog raws li nram no
120 ~ 350 × 120 ~ 350 × 4.0 ~ 30.0 50 ~ 200 × 60 ~ 150 × 2.0 ~ 12.0 600 ~ 1000 × 200 ~ 800 × 10 ~ 28.0

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb