NM500 High-Strength Wear-Resistant Steel Phaj
N yog thawj tsab ntawv pinyin ntawm "Nai" hauv "Hnub".
M yog thawj tsab ntawv pinyin ntawm "mill" hauv "wear-resistant".
500 yog Brinell hardness tus nqi HB. (500 hardness tus nqi yog dav, domestic NM500 hardness tus nqi yog hais txog 500.)
Qib qeb:NM500ANM500B
Kev kho cua sov:quenching thiab tempering (quenching + tempering).
Daim ntawv thov:NM500 hnav-resistant steel phaj yog dav siv hauv engineering machinery, mining machinery, thee mining machinery, environmental protection machinery, metallurgical machinery, metallurgical machinery, abrasive tools, bearings and other products parts.

Kev tsim kho tshuab, mining machinery, thee mining machinery, environmental protection machinery, metallurgical machinery and other manufacturing enterprises. Siv rau excavators, loaders, bulldozer thoob daim hlau, hniav daim hlau, sab hniav daim hlau, hniav, crusher liner.
Kev siv lub plhaw:
1) Thermal fais fab nroj tsuag: nruab nrab-ceev thee zeb cylinder liner, kiv cua impeller socket, plua plav collector inlet flue, tshauv duct, thoob turbine liner, separator txuas yeeb nkab, thee crusher liner, thee scuttle thiab crusher tshuab liner, burner burner, thee ntog hopper thiab funnel liner, cua preheater bracket tiv thaiv pobzeb, separator qhia vane. Cov khoom saum toj no tsis muaj qhov yuav tsum tau muaj siab ntawm hardness thiab hnav tsis kam ntawm hnav-resistant steel phaj, thiab hnav-resistant steel phaj nrog ib tug tuab ntawm 6-10mm nyob rau hauv cov khoom ntawm NM360/400 yuav siv tau.
2) Coal yard: pub trough thiab hopper hauv ob sab phlu, hopper bushing, kiv cua, pusher hauv qab phaj, cyclone plua plav collector, coke qhia liner, pob zeb hauv ob sab phlu, laum stabilizer, ntsia hlau feeder tswb thiab hauv paus rooj zaum, kneader thoob hauv ob sab phlu, nplhaib feeder, dump tsheb hauv qab phaj. Qhov chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm cov thee yard yog hnyav, thiab muaj qee qhov yuav tsum tau ua rau kev tiv thaiv corrosion thiab hnav tsis kam ntawm hnav-resistant steel phaj. Nws raug nquahu kom siv cov hlau-resistant steel phaj ntawm NM400/450 HARDOX400 nrog lub thickness ntawm 8-26 hli.
3) Cement cog: chute hauv ob sab phlu, kawg bushing, cyclone plua plav collector, hmoov separator hniav thiab qhia hniav, kiv cua thiab hauv ob sab phlu, recycling thoob hauv ob sab phlu, ntsia hlau conveyor hauv qab phaj, piping Cheebtsam, frit txias phaj hauv ob sab phlu, conveying trough lining board. Cov khoom no kuj yuav tsum tau hnav-resistant steel daim hlau nrog zoo hnav tsis kam thiab corrosion kuj, thiab hnav-resistant steel daim hlau nrog ib tug tuab ntawm 8-30mmd ua los ntawm NM360/400 HARDOX400 yuav siv tau.
4) Cov khoom siv thauj khoom: unloading zeb saw phaj, hopper liner, grab blade phaj, tsis siv neeg dump tsheb dump board, pob tseg tsheb lub cev. Qhov no yuav tsum tau hnav-resistant steel daim hlau uas tsis tshua muaj hnav-tiv taus lub zog thiab hardness. Nws raug nquahu kom siv cov hlau tsis xeb hlau nrog cov khoom siv ntawm NM500 HARDOX450/500 thiab thickness ntawm 25-45MM.
5) Mining machinery: hauv ob sab phlu, hniav, conveyor linings thiab baffles ntawm ntxhia cov ntaub ntawv thiab pob zeb crushers. Cov khoom zoo li no yuav tsum muaj kev hnav tsis zoo, thiab cov khoom siv muaj yog NM450/500 HARDOX450/500 hnav-resistant steel daim hlau nrog lub thickness ntawm 10-30mm.
6) Kev tsim kho tshuab: cement pusher hniav phaj, pob zeb sib xyaw ntauwd, tov khoom hauv ob sab phlu, plua plav collector hauv ob sab phlu, cib tshuab pwm phaj. Nws raug nquahu kom siv cov hlau tsis xeb hlau ua los ntawm NM360/400 nrog lub thickness ntawm 10-30mm.
7) Kev tsim kho tshuab: loaders, bulldozers, excavator thoob daim hlau, sab hniav daim hlau, thoob hauv qab daim hlau, hniav, rotary drilling rig laum rods. Hom tshuab no yuav tsum muaj zog tshwj xeeb thiab hnav-tiv taus steel daim hlau uas tsis tshua muaj siab hnav-tiv taus lub zog. Cov ntaub ntawv muaj yog NM500 HARDOX500/550/600 high-strength hnav-resistant steel daim hlau nrog lub thickness ntawm 20-60mm.
8) Metallurgical machinery: hlau ore sintering tshuab, conveying luj tshib, hlau ore sintering tshuab liner, scraper liner. Vim hais tias hom tshuab no yuav tsum tau kub resistant thiab tsis tshua muaj hnav-resistant steel daim hlau. Yog li, nws raug pom zoo kom siv HARDOX600HARDOXHiTuf series hnav-resistant steel daim hlau.
9) Wear-resistant steel daim hlau kuj tuaj yeem siv rau hauv cov xuab zeb zeb thooj voos kheej kheej, cov hniav, ntau yam khoom thauj khoom, cov khoom siv dav hlau thiab lwm qhov chaw, cov kabmob cov qauv, cov qauv tsheb ciav hlau, cov yob, thiab lwm yam.